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Is Desktop PC a Dying Breed? Many Think Not! @ Benchmark Reviews

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TITLE: Is Desktop PC a Dying Breed? Many Think Not! ( -at -) Benchmark Reviews


DESCRIPTION: So the desktop PC is a dying breed, you say. Hmmm, are you so sure about that? Since making such a statement infers a comparison, one

then has to ask the question "compared to what?" Compared to the way it used to be? Considering that we are discussing one of the most rapidly and

continuously evolving technologies known to man, "the way it used to be" can be as little as six months ago. The ongiong need for desktop PCs

continues to manifest itself in many ways.


ARTICLE URL: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20386&Itemid=8



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