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GeForce GTX 650 Ti review - NVIDIA - MSI

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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti Reference review


In this review we check out the NVIDIA reference GeForce GTX 650 Ti.

This product is launched to fill a gap inbetween the Radeon HD 7770

and Radeon HD 7850. Aimed at a pricetag of roughly Euro 119.00 excl.

VAT This product comes with 768 shader processors, and that fact

alone should make it s good chunk faster then the regular GTX 650

model. Have a peek and let's head onwards into the review shall we ?


Read the Guru3D.com review right here








MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti review


We take on the MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti Power Edition and perform an

in-depth test and review. This graphics card is launched to fill the

gap inbetween the Radeon HD 7770 and Radeon HD 7850. Aimed at a

pricetag of roughly 150 EUR this product comes with 768 shader

processors. MSI applies a custom PCB and their Cyclone II cooler.

Next to that you receive a factory overclock right out of the box.

Let's check it out shall we ?


Read the Guru3D.com review right here












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