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W95, W98, NT OS Switcher Appz. for W2K ...

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I've read about a software that makes applications and programs "believe" that they are running under another OS (w95, w98, nt - u actually choose the OS) while being in W2K. According to the infos, it's said to improve the compatibility of W2K with W95-98 intended programs... Can anyone confirm that? Or, if someone is using it, how well does it work?







Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel (The Ends Justifies the Means)


Dual Celeron 400 @ 450

BP6 160mb pc100

13.6 gig Fuji 7200rpm

HP 7200e

SBlive Value

nVidia TNT2 32mb AGP


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you´re right, there is a program called "APCOMPAT.EXE" located in the "Tools" subdirectory of your Win2k cd. Doesn´t work with anything I tried thou

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Thanks DosFreak for the link. VMWare looks quite interesting... but that's not it (still i've downloaded it to test it out hehe smile ). The Vmware is a program to call out another OS as for the one I was talking about is rather a "OS liar": it tells the CPU (or whatever that controls the system) that it is using a certain OS (i.e. W98, even thought W98 is not intalled on ur PC) while running the real OS (NT, 2000, Linux, etc.) That's quite a pretty advantage for W2Y user like me for I wont need to install 2 OS on my PC (save space, time and not to mention having to worry about softwares'compatibility with my comp).


I guess that I'll have to look up all the MB that I've visited to find this stupid link. Keep u guys informed if I come to find it.



The search goes on...

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