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IE History and Win2k

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I have a clean install of Win2k on an ABIT BP6 Dual-Celeron system. All is working well, except I noticed that my IE History is not functioning! I've checked all my registry settings, attempted to reset some of them via TweakUI and X-Setup, to no avail. Everything seems correct, except that no folders or html links show up in my History. Even when looking at the folder in explorer, it is completely blank, although it does have the "unique" icon of a system folder. I have seen shdocvw.dll registered in the registry, which seems to indicate that all should be well, yet still it does not work!


I've searched every windows/win2k site I could find and see no other reports of this problem. I'm at a loss.


Has anyone else seen this problem, or the solution to it?



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