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Installing 98SE over 2k

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I don't know if people have gone through this in here already but...


I have a system running Win 2k Pro. I'd like to add Win98SE to it, into the same partition as 2k (98 won't be used often). What would be the steps necessary to dual boot like this?


Thank you,


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boot from Win98 cd

click Next and reboot as necessary

set Win2k to be default OS

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win9x ****s up the mbr (master boot record)

so u need to get the mbr pointing towards the ntldr etc files, the easiest way to do this is to *start* installing win2k again and interrupting it after the first boot thereafter (when you get the 3 sec bootdelay pic saying "windows 2000 profesional installation" or so...after that just interrupt the installation and edit ur boot.ini .. i heard that win2k doesnt run off of the same partition as any other os tho..dont know that for sure tho

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I think this is backwards..but it was worth note anyway.


Last fall, my roommate installed RC1 on the same partition(accidentally) as his Windows 98SE. They DID work...but it was really screwy...


It can be done..just maybe not well?

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last time I tried it, Win98SE added itself to the boot menu without causing any problems. As far as having both on the same partition, Win2k and win98 will share folders such as Program Files, but hopefully that won't cause any problems for you

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Thanks everyone! I tried it and it works beautifully right now. Here were the steps:


1) Booted into DOS and installed Win98 in it's own directory.

2) After this the computer automatically booted 98 all the time, so I ran the 2000 installation and repaired the mbr (an option it gives).

3) Win2k detected 98 on startup and now gives me the dual boot menu.




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If you have a voodoo3 card you will run into problems with the 3dfx tools because they will be installed to the same dir. Certain little things like that might happen just keep an eye out.

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