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ASUS F2A85-V PRO Motherboard Review @ OCC

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OCC has published a review on the ASUS F2A85-V PRO Motherboard


Here is a quote from the review:


"Overclocking the A10 5800K manually is a breeze if you are familiar with the different settings used for the digital controllers incorporated in to the A85-V Pro. If you are not it may take some time to become acquainted with the response from them. I disabled all energy saving functions such as Cool 'n' Quiet, C6, Turbo, etc. and set load line control to 75% ending up with a healthy overclock of 4.7GHz or 900MHz above the stock. The integrated GPU section also again overclocked nicely from the base frequency of 800MHz to 1100GHz or 300MHz above stock. I tried out the auto tune mode in the TurboV EVO for kicks and it found a stable 4.4GHz overclock within 30 seconds."


Title: ASUS F2A85-V PRO Motherboard Review

Link: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/asus_f2a85v/

Img: http://www.overclockersclub.com/siteimages/articles/asus_f2a85v/45_thumb.jpg



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