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Use PlayStation3 Gamepad with PC Games @ Benchmark Reviews

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TITLE: Use PlayStation3 Gamepad with PC Games ( -at -) Benchmark Reviews


DESCRIPTION: Ever considered buying a gamepad for racing, sports, or split-screen PC games? Well, there are quite a few options from Microsoft,

Logitech, and Saitek including the popular Logitech F710 and Saitek P3600. However, if you don't fancy the grip of the Xbox controller, don't agree

with the colour scheme of the F710, or are just looking for something different, there is good news! The Sony DUALSHOCK 3 controller (designed for the

PS3), with a little work can be made to work on your PC. Certain unique features of the PS3 controller, such as six-axes motion-sensing and pressure

sensitive buttons, make it a viable competitor to the more popular options. In this article, Benchmark Reviews will demonstrate that one of the best

controllers of all time can be used to score breathtaking goals, pull off amazing combos, and crush lap times in your favorite PC games.


ARTICLE URL: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=981&Itemid=38



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