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Sony Vegas Pro 12: A Quick Look at a New Standard in Video Editing @ Legit Reviews

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Sony has recently released their latest upgrade to their Vegas video editing application in Vegas Pro 12. This version of Vegas adds tons of feature enhancements and performance improvements. Since this is one of the main tools we use in our arsenal, we wanted to see just how well this new software worked and took it on a test drive to compare it directly with its predecessor.




"Our render speed tests highlighted the real-world improvements that you can expect from a complicated project, but you will see the most improvements to Sony Vegas Pro 12 as you use it during your projects. One thing we did see was the power of GPU acceleration and how it produces better quality renderings and saves you quite a bit of time. The functionality and controls are improved in Vegas Pro 12 allowing you to make your keystrokes more efficient speeding up your editing times as well..."




Article Title: Sony Vegas Pro 12: A Quick Look at a New Standard in Video Editing ( -at -) Legit Reviews

Article URL: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/2101/1/




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