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Troubleshooting and Fixing Windows 8's Boot Configuration

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*Troubleshooting and Fixing Windows 8's Boot Configuration*




Windows 8 received a decent amount of enhancements on the desktop side that

I tend to appreciate versus running Windows 7. One such area of improvement

is notification management and how it handles updates and system restarts.

Running the final version of the OS for a few months now, itÂ’s been a

painless affair until this past weekend.


Unable to boot all of sudden, after some troubleshooting I settled on the

idea that it wasn't a hardware problem. With a long history of dual booting

different versions of Windows over the years, finding a corrupt MBR, boot

sector, or Boot Configuration Data (BCD) is nothing new, but it took me

longer than usual to come to a solution.


Thank you.


Julio Franco

Executive Editor | TECHSPOT

( -at -) juliofranco





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