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same thing

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i had to remove ie5.5 cause it took over a minute to load a simple html page, i am now running ie5.01sp1 which much much more reliable than 5.5

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Same thing as ??!!!


Most people have - problem with IE5.5, be more specific...



The thing is, I think most problem related to IE5.5 is result of other beta/alpha-drivers for your sound/graphicscard...


If there would be a problem with IE5.5 in general there would be 100+ posts only on this subject...


One other thing: alot of people keep saying nvidias chips is the way to go....on the other hand reading posts on this board, 80% is problem with Geforce, TNT2 etc etc....

(Nvidia spitting out 5 lame drivers a moth)



I'm sure in for a 3dfx-card for my next upgrade...


In a huge hangover.....


// Toby

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Most problems are people not knowing their stuff. Just picked up a 3d Prophet 2 GTS 64 yesterday (Upgrade from a G400, and before that a TNT1). AH, it's good to be back with Nvidia! laugh

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Gotta go with DosFreak on that one. I have had tremendous luck with nvidia-based cards (TNT2U and now a GeForce SDR). I think that a little attention to detail with drivers can go a long way to stability for any piece of hardware/software, not just nvidia based products. And the cool thing with the nvidia stuff, is that if you don't like how the card performs, just wait. There will be a new driver in a week or so that will probably have what you need. smile






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I'm with DosFreak and clutch on this one. Nvidia TNT and GeForce SDR have always performed well for me under Win98SE & 2000. Never had any driver problems, and Nvidia has always provided better driver support than 3Dfx did with my prior cards.


As far as loki; bud, if IE 5.5 takes that long to load, you got some system problems. If it were my 'puter, I'd be trying to get to the bottom of that rather than blaming IE 5.5.



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