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Simon Ngan

ABIT BH6 & ACPI in Windows 2000

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I just updated the BH6 BIOS to the latest version "SS", and it supposes to fix the ACPI issue with Windows 2000. However, after I applied the patch, Win2k didn't redetect my PC, I still get "Standard PC" instead of "ACPI Compliant PC" under Hardware Profile. Is there anything I need to remove in order for Win2k to redetect my PC? Thanks

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You need to reinstall windows2000 for it to detect it as ACPI cause the HAL needs to be upgrated and extra .dll files are needed.



"I've got thirteen channels of $hit on the T.V. to choose from." - Pink Floyd


[This message has been edited by JetBlack69 (edited 04 September 2000).]

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