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Dual boot? Windows 2000 AND Win ME... possible?? how??

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Right now my server has Windows 2000 Professional installed. However a lot of the old programs I had on Windows 98 SE don't work properly or don't work at all...... Not to mention with my cheap ass voodoo banshee (monster fusion) I can't get Open GL to work in windows 2000, which means no shooter type games (software and d3d SUCK).... Why did I bother with Windows 2000? Well first of all, it's my dad's computer, he got it free from his work..... and...... HE wants to learn how to use a NT based windows..... but he still wants to use some of the programs he used in Win98, so I suggested why not have a dual boot system... pick the OS you want to use depending on what programs u plan on using......


That's fine with him...... ok..... so...... how do I do it? Do I just install Windows ME like I would on a clean formatted disk? Then select the OS I want to use when it pops up (this is standard for Windows 2000 right?)... that part I think will be no problem..... But the part that confuses me, is what about the programs I want to use in both OS's??? Lets say for example, Adobe Photoshop..... If I want to use it in Win2000 and WinME do I have to install it in Win2000 AND WinME? Or is there a way to share the files between both OS's (doubt it)...... I mean can I use the same directory? Do I just reinstall photoshop in the same folder so that the shared files or required system files will be in the windows (whether win 2000 or win me) directory? Please help....... Thanx......

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MOST software will work just fine if you install it in the same place. Photoshop will be ok on both os's if you install to the same directory. Programs that have os-specific installations should be separated though.......

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Also, if you have already installed Win2K, you will have to 1) install win98, then reinstall Win2K, so its bootloader will know that Win98 is there, or 2) install Win98, and change your boot.ini file to notice that Win2K is there. I don't knw exactly how to do this, but I'll find out and post again.



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I partitoned myhard drive, I have Windows 98 on omnepartition and Windows 2000 on the other.


Itmakesmore sense to keep say Windows 98 for your games and Windows 2000 for big applications like adobe photoshop, having an 18 gig hard drive does help over come this. But if you have something smaller, say a 4 gig dribe I really recomend just keeping to one operating syste.


But yeah seprarting programs that requie a specific version of Windows is a good idea not only dos ot save time but you won'thave such a big head ache.


Oh yeah downnload the latestdrivers for your Banshee and it should work fine with 3D based games, thats what I did on my voodoo 3.


Anyrate I hope that helps.

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yeah most people ive talked to recommend setting up a new windows install on a different partition or drive due to the fact that conflicting programs files can be a real bitch. I currently duel boot winwhistler and win2k keeping one on my C: and the other on my D:

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I've been running 98/2000 for like a year now.

From my experience the best way to go is to install WIn98 on drive C and then install Win2k on second partition, say drive D, just make sure u give it like 2.5 gigs or so. Keep them both FAT32. Then you can install ALL the application for win98 and 2000 in to the same directory... say Drive C \Program Files. I haven't had a single fault yet.

If you already have 2000 installed and then want to add 98/ME then just install it on the separate partition and look for a boot-restorer. It'll restore the WIn2k boot partition back so you can boot to win2k again, and then after u edit boot.ini you will have the choice of 2 OSes 2 use.


I can't remember the exact name of that program... but I'm sure if you do a search on the BBS you'll find it.

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Well I've been running my pc with Win 98 first Edition on my C partition and Win 2K on my D partiotn for the last 2 weeks and its as sweet as a nut !


It really is the best way to do it smile.gif

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I'm sure if you would just use the SEARCH feature you would find at least 90 results that answer your questions and then some.

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I have a triple boot config which was acomplished by spliting my drive into 3 partitions and i have to say that it is best to keep things apart even though it uses more disk space.



My System

Dell Demension XPS T500

Triple Boot Windows 2000 Pro 2195 (allways reliable) / Windows Whistler Pro 2250 (cool but buggy) / Windows Millennium Final (waste of disk space)

PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan)

128 Megs Ram

TNT2 Ultra Graphics Card (with the core and memory overclocked by 20 Mhz and dual voodoo coolers)

3Com 10/100 Ethernet Card

3Com 56k Modem

12.6 Gig IBM HD

40X CD Rom Drive

100 Mb Zip Drive

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