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BenQ W1060 1080p DLP Projector Review - XSReviews

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Hey guys,


XSReviews has**a new article:*


********* *Title:* BenQ W1060 1080p DLP Projector Review ( -at -) XSReviews.co.uk







******** *Quote: *"Today we'll be looking at a rather interesting gaming

gadget: A projector. Digital projectors have continued to go down in

price (or up in quality) are definitely becoming a viable alternative to

an HDTV for rooms that can accommodate them. While a decent 40? HDTV

will set you back £400, for a little extra you can get a projector

that'll produce an image many times that size at the same 1080p resolution."


A link to the article would be much appreciated. *


RSS Feed:* http://xsreviews.co.uk/feed/




Jon "Whoopty" Martindale

www.xsreviews.co.uk <http://www.xsreviews.co.uk>



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