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another Win DVD 2k

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Sorry but i mis-posted this in the Hardware section so here it is in the right place:


I have a samsung 8x DVD player..lately i cant seem to get Win DVD 2k or Ravisent Cinemaster2000 to work in win2000.. strangely enough Power DVD works fine. this has happend only recently in my latest win2000 install (i tried Win Me) WIN DVD 2k will start but it is jumpy as hell . Cinemaster will give me a start screen but nothing happens.. Since my last install i have put 2 HDD with a Promise Ultra DMA66 controller... i have everything turned to DMA in the IDE settings and Win 2000 is on a NTFS partition.. i thought it might be cause my power supply is under powered with the new Drives .. but this doesnt explain the Cinemaster not starting.. "it never starts, even if there is no DVD in the Drive" i only have 1 DVD disc so i thought that it might be a Problem with that, but then that doesnt make sense since the Power Software works .. I am at a loss.. i realllyyyy !!! dont want to reinstall Win2000 and hafta re-install my Programs.. so if anyone has any ideas or have had this happen to them . please help or tell me what fixed this "oh btw i am running this with 64 megs so if you think that is the prob let me kjnow

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WinDVD works on some win2k machines and not on others. It has blown out my system twice so I just use PowerDVD now.



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