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Active Directory / User Management Win2k Professional

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I was wondering how i can use my client machine (Win2k professional) to add / manage users on my domain (run off of Win2k Advanced Server)


Can i install a component to Win2k professional to manage users on the domain?


Thanks in advance!



Thank you!


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Yes you can. Just install the administrative tools on your Win2kpro machine and either log in as Domain admin on the client or use the "runas" feature when logged onto the domain as a non-admin user.


To install the tools double click on the "Adminpak.msi" file. Either run a search for it on your computer, or look for it in C:\Winnt\system32 (C: being the drive letter for your Win2000 OS), or in the I386 folder on your Win2000 CD-ROM.

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I couldnt locate the adminpak.msi file on the CD...is it on the Win2k professional CD, or Server CD only?

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You're absolutely right. I just checked my 2000 Pro CD. It's not there.


My apologies. It is on the server cd, and you can install it to your 2000 Pro installation though.

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