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Dual boot after formating

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Well, I had Win98 on C: partition and Win2000 on d: partition. I formated C: partition and reinstalling Win98 on it.

The D: partition is like it was.

How can I tell the computer to show me the boot menu at the start?

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Your boot loader was on the C: partition. You hosed it when you formatted. You're going to have to get to a win2K machine and make an ERD (emergency repair disk) programs |accessories | system tools | backup


then boot your machine with the ERD, and try to repair the boot loader. it may take several tries and booting with your win2000 cd to a certain point in order to access files to write on the hard drive during the repair process.


Good Luck

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I got the ERD sequence wrong, but will fix it now. You can't boot a computer with the ERD floppy. You will need the 2000 Setup disks or the 2000 CD for that.


When or if you use another 2000 computer to create an ERD, don't elect to backup the registry, because your comp will have a different one.


After you have a basic ERD, start your comp using 2000 Setup Disks, or 2000 CD.


Choose the option to install the OS. When given the option to install fresh or repair, press "R" to repair.


The fast repair option will require no interaction from you and will attempt to repair problems related to registry, system files, partition boot sector and your problem which is the startup environment (dual or multiple boot configs).


Just let it do its thing. Insert the ERD when it asks. If everything goes well, the computer will restart, and you will see your dual boot OS selection again. If it doesn't work the first time, just try it again to be persistent. If that doesn't work, you will have to do a fresh install of Win2000, but at least you tried.


Sorry for the original dis-information. I did some reading to clarify the process.

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Hm, I have only made boot disks (via "Make boot disk" program on Win2000 CD - it made four boot disks).

I wonder, if I can repair boot menu with these disks or I have to make ERD's like you said ?

Anyway, thank you for your "hard work" replaying this post.

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One more thing.


I have made a backup of the boot.ini and some other files on root directory before formating. Is it enough to copy these files back to C: partition ?

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No it is not enough, copy the backuped files to C:\, boot from the CD, repair, erd, let windows locate your installation, choose manual (not fast) and check everything but systemfiles...





// Toby


[This message has been edited by Toby (edited 29 September 2000).]

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