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Defrager for NT 4.0

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Can anyone recomend a defraging utility for NT 4.0 Thanks

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I have a couple of personal systems with NT4 on them. With those systems I like to use Executive Software's Diskeeper Lite. (http://www.execsoft.com/coverpage.asp)


It's freeware and dead simple to use. It doesn't have advanced features like background defragging, fragmentation "guard" or in-built scheduling, but it does the job on the majority of files on the system, and it does the job quickly.


I use it in conjunction with two freeware utilities (Contig and PageDefrag) from Sysinternals (http://www.sysinternals.com/). Contig works great when used from an alternate boot partition on the inactive partition. I have PageDefrag run on every boot to defrag the registry hives and pagefile.


I've whacked the heck out of these systems because I'm just learning Windows. Haven't had a single problem with them.


I'm using Executive Software's commercial version of the defragger, DKNT, for my W2K Pro notebook because I use it as a tool for work. It's schedulable, works over networks and has a lot of advanced features that the Lite version doesn't have.




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Norton Speed Disk ... it optimizes everything, including the MFT (Master File Table), PageFile, free space, open files and metadata even on a running system, all other programs will ask you to reboot to do so. AT least that's how it was earlier this year in a roundup with Norton Speed Disk 5.0 standalone and others.

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