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2000 Pro & Server Resource Kits

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I have the Technet versions but I need to know if they are the same as the ones you buy. Are they? They look full to me.

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We could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you -- or at least charge you the price of the retail ResKits.




No, seriously, I have read that they are the same except for the lack of a CD and book(s), but I'm not sure the source for that information was reliable.


If no one comes back with a solid answer, would you like me to just post a listing of the tools??? (I only have the W2K Pro ResKit, not the Server ResKit.)




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The Support Tools on the Windows 2000 CD are very limited. While organizing my Technet CD Case I was suprised to see the 2000 Resource PRO Kit and the SERVER Resource Kit. The SERVER Resource Kit has everything the PRO does so there is no reason to install the PRO. As far as I can tell they are full and who needs a book anyway? laugh



I'm gonna have some fuuuunnnn tonight looking through the goodies. laugh

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The sole purpose for the book is to impress people. I carry big books with me everywhere to go in the forlorn hope that someone will actually believe that I've read them.


The ResKits do contain lots of goodies, and it must have been a nice surprise to find them in your TechNet subscription. On the other hand, for the price of TechNet they oughta give you the danged manual, too!




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You should find that most of the books should be available on the Technet CD's as well.


I don't have my Technet CD's handy, but I think it should be there somewhere.

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