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AMD ATI Radeon Chips Comparison Table @ Hardware Secrets

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We've just posted a new article on our website, Hardware Secrets.


Title: AMD ATI Radeon Chips Comparison Table

Link: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/AMD-ATI-Radeon-Chips-Comparison-Table/131

Category: Tutorials



A table comparing the basic technical specs of all AMD ATI Radeon graphics chips available on the market, from the Radeon 9200 to the Radeon HD 7990. Updated to include the Radeon HD 7990.


Here is a snippet:

"With more and more graphics chips being released every day, it became very complicated for the user who does not follow the video card market to know the differences among all AMD (ATI) graphic chips on the market today. To facilitate knowing and understanding the differences among major AMD (ATI) chips, we have compiled the following table."


A news post would be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


Gabriel Torres


Hardware Secrets





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