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Minutes of the Developer Membership Board meeting 2013-04-22

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Present: bdrung, micahg, ScottK, tumbleweed





== 2013-04-22 ==


* Review of previous action items

* barry to email sweetshark and dholbach to provide status: DONE

* tumbleweed to add to zope and schooltool package sets as per menesis

request: DONE

* all other action items are still pending


* PerPackageUploader Application: Gunnar Hjalmarsson

* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GunnarHj/PerPackageUploaderApplication

* Was granted upload rights to: language-selector and accountsservice.


* PerPackageUploader Application: Sebastian Heinlein

* He was absent. We discussed whether we should carry his application

to the next meeting or speedup the process by voting without asking

questions or moving the application to email. We agreed on asking

Sebastian if he is fine with attending the next meeting.


* Any other business

* We discussed the time change for the early meeting and whether the

schedule should follow the summer time (DST) to stay constant in the

local timezones. The proposal is to move to 15:00 / 19:00 UTC in the

Summer (from the last Sunday in March till October) and to 16:00 /

20:00 UTC in Winter (from the last Sunday in October til March).

* ''ACTION:'' micahg to call for votes for the new meeting times

* ''ACTION:'' bdrung to change the meeting time for the next meeting

from 14:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC


* Decoupling PPU rights from Ubuntu membership


* ''ACTION:'' ScottK to call for votes on the decoupling PPU rights

from Ubuntu membership proposal


=== Votes ===


* Should Gunnar Hjalmarsson get upload rights for language-selector and


For: 4 (+3 via email) Against: 0 Abstained: 0


=== Action items ===


* micahg to call for votes for the new meeting times

* bdrung to change the meeting time for the next meeting from 14:00 UTC

to 15:00 UTC

* ScottK to call for votes on the decoupling PPU rights from Ubuntu

membership proposal



Benjamin Drung

Debian & Ubuntu Developer





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