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IE/ outlook express

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I am running windows 2k sp1 and have had a weird problem with Outlook expres. I have version 5.5 and the problem i am going to describe has happend twice.. after the first time I reinstalled and now it is back.


The problem I have with outlook express is that when i launch the program it takes several minutes before it fully loads up. The exe is listed in task manager but is not shown. I don't know what is causing this. IT was working fine on satruday morning then i rebooted and it went back to acting like it did before I did my reinstall.


The other screwed up thing i have noticed is with IE. Now when ever i got to page, such as a search engine that has a text box and a sumbit button, when i hit the button, that instance of the browser is unresponsive. It will stay like this for several minutes. Then it seems to execute my request. During the unresponsive time i can not do anythign to that current page. I am able to open other instances and see other pages.


Anybody had a similar expericence or a way to fix this?

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I have found W2K, and applications running under it, to be very stable and responsive. But I did run into an issue with OE and IE a couple of weeks ago. I traced it to an anti-virus Outlook Express plug-in. I found that email system plug-ins from THREE different anti-virus programs caused occasional non-responsiveness of IE 5.5 and a really odd problem with Outlook Express 5.5 -- that on occasion Outlook Express fails when it is closed, causing continuous hard drive access and partial CPU saturation (with some slowing of all other system functions) until the error condition is cleared. Disabling the email plug-ins (but allowing all other anti-virus software functions) eliminates the behavior.




Don't know if this might have any bearing on your case, but thought I'd mention it -- just in case.




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I figured out what the problem was. I was playing with my services and turned off protective storage. When i turned it back on it worked fine.. This can also be done in nt 4.0 as i recreated it at work and that is where i found my solution.

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