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Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 315

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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 315 for the week April 29

- May 5, 2013.


== Links to UWN ==


* Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue315


== In This Issue ==


* Welcome New Members and Developers

* Ubuntu Stats

* CFT - 13.05 vUDS - Cloud & Server Track

* Jorge Castro: 13 Reasons to Deploy With Ubuntu Server , Parts 2 & 3

* Jorge Castro: Juju Charm Store updates for 1 May

* Canonical Design Team: Weather & Clock app visual exploration

* Ben Howard: Windows Azure Cloud Image Dailies

* Nicholas Skaggs: Meet the Ubuntu Quality Community!

* Mathieu Trudel: Protocol stacks on Ubuntu Touch

* Ubuntu Ohio - Burning Circle: Podcast Production Suspension

* Other Community News

* Whether you love or loathe Ubuntu, 13.04 'Raring Ringtail' won't

change your mind

* The Ubuntu Home Screen

* Shuttleworth: Ubuntu Cloud & Mobile Equally Important; Android

Alternative Needed

* In The Blogosphere

* In Other News

* Other Articles of Interest

* Featured Audio and Video

* Upcoming Meetings and Events

* Updates and Security for 8.04, 10.04, 11.10, 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04

* And much more!



== General Community News ==


=== Welcome New Members and Developers ===


Results for the 2200UTC Regional Membership Board meeting, May 2, 2013:


* Jackson Doak (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj |


* Sam Hewitt (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/snwh | https://launchpad.net/~snwh)

* George Karavasilev (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/me4oslav |


* Ana Figueiras (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnaFigueiras |






== Ubuntu Stats ==


=== Bug Stats ===


* Open (106297) + 277 over last week

* Critical (74) 0 over last week

* Unconfirmed (52095) + 198 over last week


As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,

please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad


=== Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week ===


* It should be easy to check for file system errors on HDD/USB drives

and fix them - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/30714/

* Global keyboard shortcut for opening application preferences -


* Display messages as communication threads in the social lens -


* Add Thunderbird and Empathy as sources to the social lens -


* To share a file or multiple files from desktop -



Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your

ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against

another idea. http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/



=== Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week ===


* Why is life of ubuntu 13.04 so short? -


* How to get and copy a too long output completely in terminal? -


* How to install Nvidia 319.12 driver on an optimus system -


* Windows 7 and Ubuntu 13.04 dual boot, GRUB menu not showing -


* How can I read NotifyOSD messages after they are displayed? -



Ask (and answer!) your own questions at http://askubuntu.com



== Ubuntu Cloud News ==


=== CFT - 13.05 vUDS - Cloud & Server Track ===


Dave Walker Engineering Manager for the Ubuntu Server Team says there

will be 2 server and cloud related tracks at eh upcoming virtual UDS

which will be run by himself and Antonio Rosales. Walker also asks that

those wishing to add a blueprint to these tracks do so first by sending


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