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Locking a computer without seeing it's locked

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Anyone who know of a way of application that can lock a Windows 2000 workstation after ex. 10 mins, but not displaying any 'Computer is locked' or the likes, until a key og mouse is pressed.


The idea is to have a computer showing networkstatus to everybody, but we want the computer to be locked.

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How do you mean by "network status"? I would just use a screensaver that turns on after 10min of no use and set it to lock the station.






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Yes, but a screensaver usually DOES something. I want a screensaver that dosn't do a thing, until i touch the screen or mouse. So i can have an application running, and people can watch it, but nothing else.

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Be sneaky, pull the keyboard/mouse out of the back! Just plug it in again when you want to use the machine.


You'll probably find that most security related products that allow the computer to be locked also blank the screen or replace it with a message.


After all, what's the point of securing your computer, if people can just come up to it and read that top secret memo you've just typed?

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yeah yeah, and pull the plug on the network instead of bying a firewall right? smile

Unplugging the keyboard/mouse dosn't secure it in any way.

Guess the only option is to code a screensaver that does the job myself.

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Use the science screensaver from 9x. (I think that's the one.) The one that ripples the deskop and stuff. Replace logon.scr in NT with that screensaver (rename the new screensaver to logon.scr).

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First up, you didn't really explain what you wanted.


Second, my point about viewing the screen on a locked machine is still valid.


Third, how secure do you want this machine? If removing the keyboard and mouse from it (no input devices = no chance of people trying to geuss the password) is not suitable, then why not lock it in a room with a bullet proof glass panel in the door.


If only you have the key, then you can go in and do what you want to the machine, and everyone else can just look at it through the window.


Scratch that, if you destroy the key, then it should be even safer.

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uh...what part did u not understand Bursar? seems to me Dosfreak understood it pretty well.


the idea is pretty simple...to be able to lock a w2k workstation without displaying the "computer is locked.." thing and keep the current state of the desktop viewable.


removing the mouse and keyboard just removes the input devices, which can easily be replaced even by a kid. so that doesn't cut it my friend.


and where did you ever get that information where locking the computer is ONLY meant to keep someone from reading a secret memo in your desktop? that's not even the main reason behind locking an NT workstation.


it just freaks me up when a simple intelligent question is met by a lame retort...geez


anyways, nikolai, u could try Dosfreak's suggestion. and if that works, i don't think it's impossible to replace that science screensaver with a screensaver having no "eye-candy" at all, so that you have a still desktop. that is if you can find or make one.


[This message has been edited by Astaroth (edited 20 October 2000).]

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