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Uninstall office 10??? HOW!!!!

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Ok, let me get this out of my system.

Had a lan party, Kid installed office 10 on my machine w/o telling me. I found it and tied to get rid of it because it is illegal, yes i know it is illegal, i am stating that right now. Anways, I cant get rid of it.


When I first got it, it was put on my machine, the entire contents of the office 10 cd. They just dumped it to a folder on my computer. Anways, They installed it, and I later found out and went back and took off some of the other crap that came with the full install. later It kept crappin out on me. I thought it must be a bad install. I did not right away want to get rid of it cause I figured, I might as well take a look. I got the CD from him that had it and I deleted the directory on my computer that held all the files from the cd. Anways, I went to uninstall and hit uninstall. It went thru it's stuff and then restarted. Well i got back in and all the icons and stuff was still there! i went to add remove and it is still there to!!! I tried to uninstall it again but the same crap happened again!!!!

Finaly i figured I will just reinstall it. I put in the cd and right away it asks what options i want to install. I chose them and hit next. Well then guess what! It is not looking on the cd but for that folder I deleted off my machine!!!


WTF!!!! How do I get rid of it completely!?!?!?!?!?!? Someone please help!


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I actually went to the MS Office 10 beta sign up website today, and one of the things it explicitly tells you is that you should only install it on a machine that you are preapred to format when testing is complete.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think that may be your only choice.


You could always try recreating the folder on your hard drive, installing and then removing, but I don't hold out much hope.

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Really, Damn... I did recreat the folder, i took it out of the trash and it did not work. I actualy just formated so i am gunna back up all my install programs and re format i guess soon. frown thanks.

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Man, that's tough luck. I'd grab the little SOB, drag him over to my house, and let him set there all day long re-installing all my applications and data, and then tweaking it all back the way I had it (if its possible to ever really get it back that way again).


Then I'd shove a 10BaseT cable (attached to a hub)where the sun-don't-shine, wire it to 120 volts and scream, "Dance, you little LAN party ****e, dance! MUAHAHAHA!"

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heh. With all versions of Office I thought it was well-known that you'd have to format any computer that you install Office on. heh.


If you want a well-tweaked machine that is.

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you kid is stupid or something-you never install beta software on your primary OS. When i got a copy from 'an uncle who works at Microsoft', i put it onto my anoter partition with WinME(i run win2k). BTW, this beta IS buggy-your kiddo shoulda waited for the final version.

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