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Haswell Debuts: Intel Core i7-4770K Review

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*Haswell Debuts: Intel Core i7-4770K Review*




Regular TechSpot readers will have no doubt spotted several mentions of

Haswell on our front page this year. In the past few months we have covered

everything from model names to performance and battery life claims. A key

focus has been Haswell's graphics, with rumors suggesting its performance

is set to be 2 to 3 times that of current HD 4000 integrated graphics.


So what is Haswell exactly? It is IntelÂ’s 4th generation Core architecture

which will see a major refresh of the entire Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7

product lineup in 2013. Whereas last yearÂ’s Ivy Bridge was a "tick"

release, Haswell is a tock and traditionally that's meant a more

significant advance forward.


Thank you.


Julio Franco

Executive Editor | TECHSPOT

( -at -) juliofranco





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