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Win2k Event's, any ideas on these ones?

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I have a fully working Win2k setup.

Everything appears to be working fine, I'm having no problems to speak of etc.

Having a quick browse through the event logs a few are appearing after any boot.

As I said they don't seem to be causing any problems, but it would be nice to get rid of the damn things!

OK, here they are:


Application Log:


Perfctrs - Event 3101 - Unable to read IO control information from NBT device.


WinMgmt - Event 43 - WMI ADAP failed to connect to namespace \\.\root\cimv2\MS_809 with the following error: 0x8004100e


System Log:


i8042prt - Event 26 - Exceeded the allowable number of retries (configurable via the registry) on device.


This System log error appears three times in a row within a few seconds, ie last boot this event was logged at 23:09:02, 23:09:19 & 23:09:21


Any ideas on these three?



PIII 866EB, ASUS CUSL2, 512MB PC133 (CAS2) RAM (Hyundai), Matrox G400MAX, SB Live! Value, Intel 10/100 NIC, Adaptec 2940UW, 2x IBM 7200 ATA100 30GB HD, Pioneer 32x/6x SCSI DVD, Yamaha 4416 SCSI CD-RW, Iomega Zip 100 SCSI Internal, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410.

Windows 2000 Only

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I'll try to be helpful. I've seen issues that were SOMEWHAT like your, but there is enough difference to make me wonder whether or not the fixes I found might work for you.


The Event ID 3101 issue is, I believe, probably caused by the TCP/IP performance counters trying to get performance monitoring data from a NIC / Modem which either does not exist or is currently disabled. I have also seen it occur when an incompatible extensible counter has been installed. If you have exctrlst.exe from the W2K Pro or Server Resource Kit, you can disable the Tcpip perfctrs.dll with it. If not, malfunctioning extensible counters can be disabled from within the registry. If need be I think I can find information about that. (It's probably posted at the JSI, Inc. site.)


The Event ID 43 issue may, or may not be, related to the performance dredger problem which existed in RC2 and which has been rumored to have made a reappearance. This may or may not help, but it won't hurt to try. Open a command prompt and issue these two commands:


winmgmt /clearadap


winmgmt /resyncperf -p


Note that "p" in the above command is the WinMgmt process ID as currently listed in Task Manager.


Question about the Event ID 26 message: Do you have any older Adobe or Pretty Good Privacy software installed? The usual problem they cause with the i8042prt driver is that they interfere with the keyboard driver by attaching to it and make some power management functions fail. But I've seen some pretty loopy stuff happen where this issue is concerned.


Can you trace back to the time when these messages started appearing? Had you just installed something at that point in the system's history?


I hope you'll find a solution. The repeated error messages can be annoying.




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Thanks for your advice.

I'll give some things a try and see how it goes.

Do you think it's possible that I'm getting the i8042prt event because I'm using a USB Keyboard & Mouse?

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