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Internet Explorer

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I am using Internet Explorer 5.


I uninstalled some program that ***ociated jpeg and image files to it. Then when I uninstalled it, it messed it all up and my images dont open in Internet Explorer. I can make file type but the problem is, it doesnt show thumbnails or previews. What can I do?


Is there a way to repair Internet Explorer to ***ociate file types with it?



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You may want to try running a Repair on Internet Explorer. It should repair any broken ***ociations. Or, you can recreate the ***ociations manually.

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I dont see it in Add/Remove Programs


I Think it is integrated part of windows 2000 and it cannot be removed.



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That's easy- shift+right-click on a JPEG file and choose "open with", then in a list choose MSIE and check a box "always open" or something.



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