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Event Viewer Warning Message

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Every time i look in the event viewer i always get this warning messages w/c i cant find where i can remove these or correct it. This is what i get "The server was unable to logon the Windows NT account 'IUSR_CSS_SOFT' due to the following error: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. The data is the error code. "


does anyone knows where i can correct this message?



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If you might try posting more information maybe someone will be able to help. The Event ID number, the network name of the computer you're using (CSS_SOFT?), what type of network you're logging onto, etc. This is, in general terms, an anonymous user permissions issue.




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Hi Jim,


These are what i can see.


Event ID : 100

Source : W3SVC

User : N/A

Type : Warning

Computer : CSS_SOFT

Category : None


When I browse my event viewer, all are filled up with this messages..

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Well, you're not giving me a whole lot of information about what type of network you're on and what it is that you're trying to do. Are you trying to FTP to a W2K IIS domain controller?


Anonymous users are denied certain types of access by default group policy settings. If you, or someone with administrative permissions on the server, wishes to alter the Domain Controller Security Policy, the error messages can probably be avoided. Either that, or if you can log on as a member of a group with higher permission levels.


If you tell us a) what your role is, B) where it is that you're trying to log on, c) what type of server it is that you're trying to log onto -- or anything else that might give us a clue as to why you're getting the messages. Also, tell us just how much time transpires between the Event ID 100 messages in the Event Viewer. Is it a regular time, or does it vary?




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Well Jim, Im logging on my NT Server as administrator, My server is NT 4.0 SP6. There are atleast 17 Error Messages in a minute, the same messages. Because of these messages i change the log settings to "OVERWRITE EVENTS AS NEEDED" so that my log file wont grow big.

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I'm sorry. I guess I can't visualize enough of your situation to be of any help. How many users attaching to the network / this server, and how are they attached (LAN, VPN, RAS, whatever)? Is the server running IIS? Are the users' accounts / permissions all okay? It looks as though someone is trying to connect to something repeatedly on that server, perhaps even unknowingly, and being denied permission repeatedly. The repeated error continues to occur regardless of whether you are logged in as Administrator on the server, correct?


Keeping my fingers crossed for you!




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