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I got some questionss??

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1. Is Win2000 protocols tweaked?


2. Is the memory allocation the same in Windows2000 than in Winnt4.0?



I can see why most people goto Win2000 pro. It is much sleaker and faster. I just would like to know whats the difference than win9x and win2000. confusedlaughcool

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the win2k memory management is pretty good, and it IS really smart looking, while alse being very stable.


on a lower end machine, it is slow.

unless u got 128+Meg ram, dont bother.


im a gamer, so i have win2k and win98SE running on a dual boot.

i recommend this setup, as u can keep win98 uncluttered by only installing the basics, things esential for games, but still be able to work on ure pc, with win2k smile


my specs are:

AMD K6-2 450Mhz @ 450

128Mb PC100 RAM

ASUS P5A-B mobo 100Mhz bus

nVIdia riva TNT2 M64

Creative Ensoniq PCI Audio

IBM Maxtor 4Gig HDD

Intellimouse Explorer

Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice


i get about 50fps in half life, which i dont think is too bad, considering the spec.


opinions ?

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Well i have Win2000 pro dual booted with Win98se also.


I am very pleased with the OS. I would like to know i try to run HL and it says it needs service pack 3. I think it thinks its on nt 4.0. Anyway here is my setup!!



Athlon 600

128mb ram

Geforce 256 ddr

10gb drive and 4.3gb

sb live

FIC board

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thats a pretty good setup, sounds like it'll run Win2k fine, i dual boot Win2k and WinME, i've never had any problems with Win2k EVER!

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do all thu upgrades to half life and that error message will go away

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