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Different default applications for different users?

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Is there any way to change the default application for different users on the same machine?



I use WinAmp for my MP3s, and basically keep all of my MP3s in the playlist, so when my brother opens WinAmp under his account, my playlist is there. I'd like to change his default MP3 player to WinMediaPlayer, so when he opens an MP3 it won't take him to my playlist in WinAmp, but will take him to WMP instead.





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If you got NTFS, just store your playlist under your "Documents and settings".


When your brothers runs winamp your playlist wont show because he does not have access to your profile...

(Not what you wanted really, but it solves the problem)


Hope it works...


// Toby

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If you use your "My Documents" folder, then that will do what Toby is saying. With NTFS, it will keep users without proper credentials from crossing into the local home directories of other users. In addition, the "My Documents" folder will be different for each user, so you can keep what you want "secure" (relative term) in that folder, and non-admins wont normally be able to get in there from their own logins.

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Clutch is right it should be "My documents", sorry about that...


// Toby

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