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Chkdsk every reboot?

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is there any way to run chkdsk automatically at every reboot? also is there any way of ordering the programs that run before win2k loads up? i have a registry defragmentation program that runs at each reboot, any way i can make that run before chkdsk as currently it runs afterwards. thanks.

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A couple of ways to make chkdsk run automatically at every reboot are listed here.


I'm curious about something, though. I gather that you're running pagedefrag (from Sysinternals) or some such program. If there's an actual need to run chkdsk at every boot, wouldn't you be taking a risk by trying to force the registry defrag program to run first? If I were concerned about the stability of my file system, I wouldn't be rewriting the registry until I'd checked the file system. Just a thought.




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i guess so, but in a similar way i don't want pagedefrag creating an error just after chkdsk has fixed it, and then the error hanging around until i next reboot. thanks for the help btw.

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You're welcome.


BTW, have you actually seen PageDefrag causing errors? That would be most peculiar! I would definitely investigate that further because I'd think it would be indicative of registry corruption.




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I may be mistaken, but I would think that the risk of a PageDefrag read / write problem with the registry hives immediately following the running of chkdsk would be infinitesimal -- especially if the partition is NTFS.


Anyway, hope you get it set up to your liking!




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the reason why i wanted to do a chkdsk at each reboot was because o&o defrag always picked up errors on my c drive, even straight after a chkdsk reboot, so i wondered if it might be pagedefrag causing the problem. it isn't, but straight after rebooting and 'chkdsking' i run chkdsk c: /v and get the following on stage two:

CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...Index verification completed.Detected minor inconsistencies on the drive.  This is not a corruption.

any ideas what this means?

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You're gonna love this. (I know that I would feel MUCH better if someone told me this.)


Direct quote from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Resource Kit:


---- begin quote ----


Error Message:

CHKDSK detected minor inconsistencies on the drive.



Chkdsk found file system inconsistencies on the volume which do not affect file system usage.


User Action:

No user action is needed. The inconsistencies can be safely ignored.


---- end quote ----


Cool, huh? If I saw that error I would hear a little voice screaming in the back of my skull, "Then why the H*LL did they even bother with the stupid error message???"


And that's the ONLY information I could find about that error message ANYWHERE. I've never seen it before.


Is the system W2K or NT4? FAT32 / FAT / NTFS? Do you see the error if you perform chkdsk /f /r or do you see it only with the /v switch? You've got me curious.




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system is win2k, ntfs. it's my system drive so i can only check with /f on a reboot, but it never mentions it there, seems /v doesn't work on reboot. the error only pops up when i run chkdsk c: /v inside windows, a straight chkdsk c: gives no errors, but doesn't say 'Windows has checked the file system and found no problem.', implying that there is an error. chkdsk'ing on reboot again doesn't show the 'Windows has checked the file system and found no problem.' (not sure if it does anyway) but also doesn't say 'Windows found problems with this drive and fixed them all' (or whatever it is it says). hmm, bit strange methinks, like you say why bother telling you there's an error if it affects nothing and you can't cure it.

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i'm also a bit confused as to what kind of file inconsistencies we're looking at, after all any file inconsistencies can't be healthy, but it looks like chkdsk doesn't bother fixing the one's that don't matter to file usage.

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I'm afraid I'm clueless. If it's stuff that doesn't matter to the allocation scheme in MFT then I'd look at stuff like whether or not the 8.3 filename convention was turned off for the partition. I say "stuff like", but offhand I can't think of anything else to even consider.


I would be willing to bet that, since the output text says that it's nothing to worry about, it probably really is nothing to worry about. After all, Windows is chock full of all sorts of dire warnings about stuff that doesn't matter for a hill of beans, in addition to all the warnings about the stuff that does matter.


I've looked around for a while to see if I can find anything else about this chkdsk message, and I haven't found a blooming thing. Will be most interested to see if anything turns up.




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