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Where The Hell can i get my hands on the driver/patch/whatever for opengl/Glide to 3dsmax, the one that maked 3DsMaxR3 to rende in open gl Mode with a specail driver, im using Heidi now, an... Well, You see my point.....

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hmmm, would help if you state your hardware here, coz i have no problem running 3dstudio r3 in opengl with detonator drivers.



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Oki.. hmm..

im looking for the special drivers you can specify when using the "-h" option when starting up 3dsmaxr3


im usin:

Celeron 633

128mb pc133 10ms

M741LMRT Motherboard

Voodoo 3 2000 PCI

13gb Samsung HD

19" Samtron


and something else (Onboard Piece of **** )


Would be Very thankful if you could help me, because 3DFX.com have an error in thir link,

so i cant get it from there..

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ok, you have a voodoo card...well opengl is out for you unless you find those glide drivers for 3dstudió and there i cant help you, sorry...but have you not tried direct 3d? as far as i know voodoo drivers are direct 3d compatible and should work fine in 3dstudio max..it worked for me...same card...it moves smooth as opengl..

good luck...



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