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Unable to access folders in boot drive!

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I’m having trouble accessing folders one or more generations down that I create in the root directory of my boot drive. I get the error message “Access Denied”. All right, if I can’t access it then at least I can delete it again. But boy am I wrong - “Access Denied”. So the security settings must be set up wrong? No, I (logged on as Administrator) have full control, apparently.


Actually I can delete the folders, if I access them from my networked Laptop, but I can’t access them, can’t rename, can’t copy files or just even look in them from the Desktop.


I’m running Win2k on both. Everything works well except one little problem, doesn’t seem serious; the Recycle Bin does not function on the C drive (drive in question).


I could add a little to the story: some months ago I had a little mishap; I propagated inheritable permissions through entire C, witch I saw as a clever move, but left me absolutely unable to access anything, at all, on my system boot drive – most extraordinary feeling, you should try it sometime! Fortunately I had enabled the recovery console with the “Set” options enabled and had a more or less recent system files backup and with some help from MS support the system woke up after a couple of days in the dark (of cause I had no backup of the really important files – so I was scared like h***!).


Anyway, ever since those days of joy, there has been an addition to the naming of the folders in my “Documents and Settings” folder. Files now resides in a folder with the format

“User-name.Computer-name”. Don’t know if it is of any significance – but it sure looks ugly.


Anybody – help? ………..HELP



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Have you tried claiming ownership to all of the files, and resetting the permissions to "everyone:full control"? You can do this by going to the folder security, advanced button, then the owner tab. This will give you access to the affected files. I would imagine that the recycle bin is affected as well. I didn't know if this is what you did earlier or not to get the limited access that you have now.






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Thanks for the tip, Clutch


It’s a good idea and it works. I can there after access and delete again.


However I would have to do it every time I create a new folder. There must be a more centralized place to donate “everyone” those rights. And why don’t I have the rights to perform such simple tasks? After all I am logged on as the administrator.



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I don't think I was clear enough. I meant to fix the "C" drive permissions, and set them to "Inheritable". Then, you shouldn't have that issue any longer.






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