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Win2K crashing

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I'm running a 900MHz Athlon with Win2k and WinMe dual booting. I am getting a random freezeup that I cannot relate to any specific app. It happens in both OS's, and is totally random. In 2K, there is no event written to the log so no help there. I run NAV2001, Zonealarm Pro, 1 Cd burner and a DVD drive. No relevance to crashes with these applications.


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when did these freezes start? can you think of any hardware/software you installed just before the problems started? you really haven't given us anything to work with here.

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Sorry, it has been occuring since I purchased the computer in November. It could be the DVD drive because when I open up MY Computer, it takes a few seconds to see everything after the DVD drive. I have my doubts on this because the drive is new and ran fine in my old PC.

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the pause in "my computer" could just be the drive spinning up, nothing to worry about. The lockups are probably heat related; see if you can get a motherboard monitor to watch the temperature. It could also be bad memory. and if the computer is under warranty, by all means go to the manufacturer for help.

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Hi, Totally agree with CUViper, especially it happened to both of you OS...here I have something to suggest..try to open up your case and let it run for a while to see if the same problem still exist...Good Luck! smile



Mugen C



Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do!


[This message has been edited by Mugen C (edited 11 January 2001).]

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my athlon 1.1ghz does the same, i think it is heat, mem or psu. So i replacing all to see.



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