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Riptide GP2 for Android Review @ HiTech Legion

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Hello Everyone,

HiTech Legion has released a new article. Hopefully your readers will

find it interesting.


/*Review: */Riptide GP2 for Android Review


( -at -) HiTech Legion/*


*/ /*Snippet:*/ /"Riptide GP2 is the sequel to the fast-paced Riptide GP

that came out two years ago. Riptide GP2 brings with it an all-new

Vector Engine 4, which has also been optimized for Tegra 4 devices,

delivering higher-resolution texture support, complex shaders, dynamic

lighting and real-time shadows. Gameplay has been improved significantly

over the original Riptide GP with the use of a career mode and

integration with Google Play services for in-game achievements and

statistics tracking. For gamers who want to test their racing skills,

online gaming is now also available where you can invite up to three

friends to join you in the water tracks. Riptide GP2 is available for

$2.99 via TegraZone.com or via Google's Play Store./"


/*Article Url:*/



/*Image Url: */http://www.hitechlegion.com/images/games/riptidegp2/1s.jpg


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