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What is this error and Why am i all of a sudden getting it ?

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I have just reformatted and re-installed 2k. I downloaded my drivers ok.But when i tried to install SP1 I get this error about 100 times.



Windows - Delayed Write Failed


"Windows was unable to save all the data for the file \Device\HarddiskVoulume3\temp\ext5064\ (whatever file name) . The data has been lost. This error may be cause by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elswhere."



Now when i Download anything i get this error, but i downloaded AIM and i recieved the error and said "aww hell i'll just run it anyway" and it worked fine. Anyone ever seen this or know what this might be.


Thanks. Sparkhard

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Ok, I have figured out that I only get this error in Win 2k . I have Millennium dualbooted and this problem never occurs. Should i run another clean install of 2k ?



ANY!!!! help is appreciated. Sparkhard

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yeah you will probably have to but try and recreate the error. It sounds like your IDE controllers and Win2k arent getting along too well.

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U have write cache enabled? Are the HDDs SCSI or IDE? (Or FibreChannel by any chance?) wink

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