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NT 4.0 service pack 7 ?

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A co-worker advised me service pack 7 is out.

Can anyone confirm if NT 4.0 SP7 exists?


Thanks, KAZ

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The MS site only lists SP6a. I guess it could be in Beta but there are others here who are probably more qaulified to say if that's true or not.

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Not even sure it's in beta. Rumor is it might never see the light of day, hoping users instead will upgrade to Windows 2000.

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Last I heard is that release is 'imminent'.

NT is by no means dead yet, remember those rumours that SP5 was going to be the last one?

A lot of IT departments are waiting for Whistler before taking on Win2k, which is such a bad way of doing things, what with Whistler being a major service pack for Win2k.

My guess on SP7, no more than a month away now.

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