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Four and Twenty

GD paging file

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Um lets say i have 512 megs of ram (which i do) and i never really use all of it (which i don't) why do i need a paging file? I know that that is where the memory dumps go but my computer doesn't crash and i have it set up not to do a mem dump even if it does crash. So i guess what i am wondering is is it possible to disable the paging file all together (like i can in winme). I can make it like 2 megs but then it gets all pissy and says that it is going to increase the size automatically. I currently have it set to 50 megs and it seems to be working fine but i want to get rid of it all together any ideas?


[This message has been edited by Four and Twenty (edited 25 January 2001).]

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oh yeah i forgot to mention i am using win 2k and whistler and i would like to get rid of all paging files as soon as possible. Disabling the virtual mem in winme has done wonders for the performance.

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With that much RAM and no HUGE applications? I would have to say can that page file. It may be a good idea to keep it at 2MB or whatever for the mini-dump. But other than that, it shouldn't make much of a difference if you have a tiny page file or not. But I know what you mean about the pissy part. Though I don't recall it telling me that it would increase it on its own.






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just to be safe, set the min and max to 10-12mb. i'll post a link for optimization tweak in a while.

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I am begining to think that it is not possible for me to disable the paging file. And that sucks. The reason that virtual mem was created was because peolple could not afford enough ram to run their programs. now you can get 256 megs of ram for a little over a hundred bux so it is cheap to build a sys with enough mem to run all programs with mem to spare. what bothers me more is that in win 9x/me i can easily disable the virtual mem but with windows 2000 / whistler there is no way (that i can find) for me to do it.

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hit the wrong key.

but for safety purposes in case of a runaway program set yourself a normal pagefile of 2x the system memory got to this key


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

and set this dword to

DisablePagingExecutive 1


this will cause the system to dump only when it's absolutely needed. i think this will give u the desired performance.


warning if the system does crash u may lose some settings.

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Thanks for the help altough i still cannont disable the paging file. I went into regedit only to find out that that disable paging executive thing had allready been done. I guess that there is no more tweaking that i can do.




My System

Dell Demension XPS T500

Triple Boot

Windows 2000 Pro 2195

Windows Whistler Pro 2296

Windows Millennium Final Retail

PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan)

512 Megs Ram

Guillemot Maxi Gammer Cougar (TNT2 M64 w/ 32 Megs of RAM)

Matrox Millennium PCI (w/ 4 Megs of RAM for second monitor)

3Com Etherlink XL 10/100 Ethernet Card

Abit Hot Rod Pro ATA-100 RAID Controler

2 x 12.6 Gig Maxtor Hard Disks RAID 0 (for system)

1 76.3 Gig Maxtor Hard Disk (for storage)

40X LG CD Rom Drive

100 Mb Iomega Internal Zip Drive

MS Explorer Mouse

MS Natural Keyboard Pro

And not a single peice of software that I actually own

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I was able to disable the paging file in whistler entirely. But I still cannot get the win2k paging file any less than 20 megs. So I guess I will just have to wait until whistler is good enough to be my primary OS or perhaps even my only OS.

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in system.ini


this wont disable the swap but it will allow apps to load to ram thus efficiently 'disabling' swap


[This message has been edited by nagual (edited 31 January 2001).]

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When i have disablepagingexecutive set to 1 mcafee virus scan crashes every so often and i have to enable it agian. And sometimes when i close winamp and open it back up again right away it crashes. but if i wait a little while it will run again. weird.

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too cool nagual, i forgot about that command since win95. i have both activated and this thing is quiet as a churchmouse.


i have no idea whats causeing the crashes, i have no problems with winamp (using it myself) and i use norton without any probs. the only system "crashes" i get is when my girlfriend (logged under her own name) starts the print spooler before the printer initializes which makes it go haywire. when she reboots, it reboots normally but it FUBAR's her profile. outlook express to be more specific.

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Yeah it is definatly that disablepagingexec tweak that does it cause as soon as i turn it off the random program crashes stop entirely. It is strange tho cause i have used this tweak for a long time and it only recently started to cause these problems. I suppose that it must be conflicting with some other tweak or program that i have set up.

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