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Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 333

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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 333 for the week

September 2 - 8, 2013.


== Links to UWN ==


* Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue333


== In This Issue ==


* 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Beta 1 Released!

* Ubuntu Stats

* Ubuntu LoCo Council: Get Your LoCo Moving - Global Jam is Coming!

* Launchpad News: Launchpad build farm improvements

* Ubuntu Women: Ubuntu Women Survey 2013 Results: Part 1

* Daniel Holbach: It's all coming together

* Kubuntu: Kubuntu Commercial Support Now Available

* Benjamin Kerensa: Ubuntu Documentation Needs You!

* Stephane Graber: System images now the recommended way to deploy and

update Ubuntu Touch

* Jonathan Riddell: Come to the Kubuntu Bug Squashing Party in Munich!

* Mathieu Trudel: Implementing MTP on Ubuntu Touch

* Canonical - Dell launching Ubuntu in China in 1,000+ stores

* Penguins, prepare to get SPACED OUT: Ubuntu 13.10's Mir has docked

* In The Blogosphere

* KDE Release Structure Evolves

* Will Linux beat out Microsoft Windows 8?

* Featured Audio and Video

* Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings

* Upcoming Meetings and Events

* Updates and Security for 10.04, 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04

* And much more!


== General Community News ==


=== 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Beta 1 Released! ===


Kate Stewart announces the release of Saucy Salamander Beta 1, which

will in time become the 13.10 release. Kate lists the participating

flavors, links to the site where the images can be downloaded and points

out "the Ubuntu products themselves will not have a Beta 1 release.

Their first milestone release will be the beta release on the 26th of

September 2013."




The Beta 1 release has been covered in blogs and news articles, the

following is a sampling selected by our editors:


* Ubuntu 13.10 Beta Releases Available for Download -


* Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander), Beta 1 preview: Mir, Unity 7, kernel

3.11 -


* Beta downloads released for Ubuntu GNOME 13.10, Lubuntu 13.10,

Xubuntu 13.10 and Kubuntu 13.10 -



== Ubuntu Stats ==


=== Bug Stats ===


* Open (106566) +512 over last week

* Critical (98) +7 over last week

* Unconfirmed (52212) +245 over last week


As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,

please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad


=== Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week ===


==== Most Active Questions ====


* How to monitor USB webcam bandwidth usage?


* How to change graphics options for Intel chipsets?


* Can we execute a shell script by clicking


* How to remove Intel's Open Source Technology Center Driver?


* Do additional language packs need to be downloaded?



==== Top Voted New Questions ====


* How to get out of "sudo -s" command in Terminal?


* What does the takeover of Nokia mean for the Ubuntu SDK?


* How do I know what files are executed when I open an application?


* How do I install Ubuntu Server 13.04 (step-by-step)


* Replacement for mplayer? http://askubuntu.com/questions/341283/


People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: Radu

Radeanu (http://askubuntu.com/users/147044/radu-rdeanu), Mitch

(http://askubuntu.com/users/59676/mitch), mojo706

(http://askubuntu.com/users/22676/mojo706), Alaa

(http://askubuntu.com/users/52726/alaa) and Saurav Kumar



Ask (and answer!) your own questions at http://askubuntu.com


== LoCo News ==


=== Ubuntu LoCo Council: Get Your LoCo Moving - Global Jam is Coming! ===


Pablo Rubianes writes that the next Ubuntu Global Jam will be happening

September 13th-15th. The global jam is a "great way to meet other

Ubuntu fans and contributors, contribute to the upcoming 13.04 release,

and generally have a good time." Everyone is welcome to attend, and all

LoCos are encouraged to organize an event.




=== Ubuntu Global Jam - Call for Events! ===


Randall Ross has put out a call for events for the upcoming Ubuntu

Global Jam. Several events have already been registered, but more are

hoped for. A guide and video are available to show how to easily

organize a great event.




=== You cannot organizate an UGJ if you're not part of a LoCo team ===


chilicuil writes that the Ubuntu Global Jam is an "incredible

opportunity for the Ubuntu community to unite together around a weekend

generally one month before the release of Ubuntu" and adds "you can look

at the current list and assist to one near from you, or just hangout

with your local friends. Ubuntu is a state of mind!"




=== Ubuntu LoCo Council: Up[censored] Shippit to the New Term ===


Sergio Meneses advises "In this moment we are working to update the new

term -verified- and this change brings some troubles." Sergio

says that CDs can't be ordered at the moment and that another post will

advise when the problem is fixed.




== Launchpad News ==


=== Launchpad News: Launchpad build farm improvements ===


Colin Watson writes that a number of improvements have been made to the

Launchpad build farm in the last month, with the aim of improving its

performance and robustness. Colin explains that this sort of work is

usually invisible to users except when something goes wrong so describes

the work that has been done and further work that is planned.




== The Planet ==


=== Ubuntu Women: Ubuntu Women Survey 2013 Results: Part 1 ===


Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph thanks everyone who contributed to the survey

and provides some charts to display the results of the 110 responses.

Elizabeth advises that discussion about the results will take place on


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