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OS system size?

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I have done a clean install of Win2K pro using NTFS and just the OS alone reports of being 1.15mb in exployer.

Maxtor 20gb HD

partioned to c:8gb , d:12gb

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My Winnt folder is 1.09GB in size and I have Win2k Pro, SP1 and a number of applications installed which have probably all put a few files in there.


My registry is 21MB which will also be contained in that folder.


Don't forget that Windows 2000 keeps a whole stack of files on the hard disk in order to minimise the number of times you need to insert the CD if you're installing new hardware.


The File Checker utility also keeps backup copies of a few hundred key dll files so it can replace them with official versions if a bad application tries to overwrite them with older versions.


I really wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you.

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Windows 2000 Pro on installation takes up 651m. This does not include the swap file.

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whoa something def is outta whack here.

first of all

you apps are NEVER by default installed in x:\winnt\

but isntead are installed in

x:\program files\


Not including my swap file (I dunno why you would include ur swap file in such a comparison because ur swap can be anywhere from 10 megs to a Gig+, so it totally throws everything off) its a 1.1 GB installation.


Maybe a very stripped installtion of win2k u could get a 600 MB installation, BUT ur dll cache folder alone is usually around 200 megs and ur zips and cab files (w/ sp1) should be around 50-90 megs. My sp1 uninstallation folder is around 200 megs.


All the above mentioned items are NOT necessary for running win2k and they alone total up to around 500 megs....



DOH! bursar I just re-read ur reply, you nailed it on the head. Bursar's reply is exactly correct. but teachum if that is a clean install of 1.15 gigs maybe u have ur swap file in there somewhere....

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Mine is 951mb. I think the folder is some damn big due to the backup of all the files that SP1 overwriters. I wish there was an easy way to get rid of them without messing stuff up.

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That's what my install is also-a slipstreamed bootable SP1 so there's no pre-SP1 backup files on my drive. I've also gone in and done some moderate pruning of unneeded files (wav and graphics stuff plus the preinstalled apps [the games and stuff]that you can remove by editing that sysoc.inf file). 650megs, baby! Why do you need all that extra M$ trash on your drive? Win2000's da bomb but it's not exactly a lightweight OS.

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I guess i have the smallest Windows installation, my Winnt folder is 460Mb (!).


And my Windows is NOT stripped, and I have SP1 installed, but i removed the SP1_files and the DLLCache...


Works just great, and I have a bunch of apps installed...




UIN: 42900735


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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ralf Hutter:
The dll cache on my install is 211megs so if I deleted it that would leave me at 447megs, if it matters! </font>

Send those damn dll's to h*ll... smile

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well me got win 2k adv server and my winnt folder right now with IE 5.5 sp1 no sp1 is


Size on disk :759mb


that is with office 2k in,a few macromedia apps, adn such, bout 11 apps total.. laugh

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