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Mini-Debconf in Cambridge, UK - November 14-17 2013 - update

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Hi folks!


Back in August, I announced [1] a mini-debconf in Cambridge, to be

held on the 14-17 November. With just over a month to go, it's time

for an update on the organisation and a reminder for potential

attendees and speakers.


The plan is:


* 2 days for a mini-DebCamp (Thu 14 - Fri 15), with space for

dedicated development / sprint / team meetings for up to 40 people


* 2 days for a more regular mini-conf (Sat 16 - Sun 17) with space

for more general talks, up to 100 people




As initially announced, ARM are sponsoring us with the space,

networking etc. for our event. Since then, Citrix have also offered

support. They will be sponsoring lunches on the talk days (Saturday

and Sunday), plus T-shirts for attendees. Thanks to both of these fine

companies! I'm still hoping to find more sponsors to help with other

misc costs for attendees - please contact me if you're interested.


Sprint sessions


Hector Oron has proposed an agenda [2] for discussion alongside the

sprint sessions, focussing on ARM-related topics so far. While I

expect there will be lots of interest in those, please don't be put

off if you'd like to come along and work on other stuff!




In terms of talks for the weekend, I've had lots of offers from

various people but relatively few detailed proposals. That means that

the talk schedule is still very open yet. If you're wanting to talk to

people about stuff you've been doing in and around Debian, or you have

insights that you'd like to share, now is ypur time! Please mail me

with talk proposals and we'll schedule things.


We'll have some of the awesome DebConf video team around, so we should

be able to record all the talks as they happen. With a bit of luck,

I'm also hoping that we'll be able to stream live as well but there's

still some setup needed there yet.




Wookey has helpfully added some more details into the wiki page about

local acommodation. There's also probably still some crash space

available with local people if desired - try mailing people if you

haven't already organised something yet.


Sign up!


For more details and to sign up to attend, please visit the wiki page





If you'd like a T-shirt too, please make sure that you enter your size

in the table too, ASAP. I'm told we need to know sizes by October 22nd

to allow for preparation time, so don't delay!


I look forwards to seeing lots of you in November.


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2013/08/msg00003.html

[2] http://people.debian.org/~zumbi/debian-arm.html



Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve ( -at -) einval.com

Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there

must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the

far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled

knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer



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