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When are we going to have Detonator Drivers.....

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....one set, that is top notch performance, and everyone lieks? Why does there have to be a new version out almost daily, which really doesn't fix much at all





[Here is my system]

Intel Celeron 566 @ 901

Abit BE6 Rv1

3d Prophet 2 Mx (6.34 drivers)

Soundblaster Live! Value w/ cambridge 4 point speakers

Pioneer 6x dvd / 12 x cdrom SCSI Drive

3com 905b-cmb network card

Panasonic 4x scsi burner

IBM Deskstar 13.5g 7200rpm DMA/66

Western Digital 14g 5400rpm DMA/66

256m PC-100 CS2 ram






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different people like different versions, i like 6.62 myself, someone else might like 7.17. At lease nVidia has driver support, unlike other companies.

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The best drivers the one by Nvidia.


Most stable, excellent performance.



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I must thoroughly agree with Miku on this.


Since the first version of the reference driver that included generic TV out support, and later the other built-in goodies, the feature set has become very comparable to the OEM driver.


As for performance and stability, the reference driver has also been so solid and well optimized that the OEM version never seems to have any improvement. Sometimes we even see a bit of degradation...

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My GeForce broke up...??!@ so I have to get my old nvidia m64...win2k doesnt like the card!....it has an "!" in device drivers...even i reinstalled drivers..sh!! what happen man? have any idea?

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