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i have got problem with gdm

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i am in deep trouble.

i wanted to edit the login screen/gretter of gnome/kde.

i made some changes in the gdm.conf file located in \etc\x11\gdm\.

but, i forgot to make a backup, when i saved changes .and restarted the system, the x server couldn't start.



XF860OPENCONSOLE:cannot open virtual console3(input/output error)"


i don't know whats the problem. i have replaced the origional edited file with the factory-gdm.conf but of no vail.i have to get my box working as soon as possible, i need all the help that experts over here can offer.

Plz help me fast.thanking in anticipation.


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Darn, I was hoping that it would be Debian. I don't have ReHat on my system, so I won't pretend to know the answer. But, it looks like an X-windows issue, or having the right permissions on the gdm.conf file.


Perhaps the sysadmin has an answer. However, let me ask one thing that may help clarify a point. How did you replace the gdm.conf file, copy it using the cp command in root? Renamed it from the factory name to gdm.conf?

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If you're not in X, but have a command prompt, become root and try typing:

xdm [enter] or

kdm [enter]


And then sign in username and password. Until you get gdm figured out, those might at least get you into your desktop environment.

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i actualy replaced it from windoz xp using partition magic.


i will try to use kdm/xdm commnds , lets hope for the best. laugh

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