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Best CD-Ripper for 2k??

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Can someone point me to the BEST/FASTEST Cd Ripper for 2k..


I want GOOD speed.(i have a Plextor 12.10.32) which is one of the best in ripping..i want to take advantage of it..


and it has to have CDDB2 access.....PLEASE HELP

(free or shareware or retail)


Ancker Jade.

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Audio Catalyst works great un 2k (even though they claim it doesn't work at all). I have the TDK 12/10/32, which is pretty much the same thing as yours, and I get full speed audio ripping (32x max). Download the trial to see if it works for you. You will need to install an aspi driver if you don't already have one - let me know if you need help with that.


[This message has been edited by CUViper (edited 04 March 2001).]

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I have used Audio Catalyst and I only get 8-10x what are the exact settings for your setup?




(and audio catalyst 2.1 doesn't support cddb2)

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It does have cddb - what is different about cddb2?


As far as my settings, I have it on aspi at the default setting. Try ripping it to wave instead of mp3, and see what you get. I know that if I go directly to mp3, I only get about 13x-14x - that's as fast as my poor p3 700 can encode it! smile But if you go only to wave, you'll see the true DAE power of these drives laugh

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CDDB2 is the new version of CDDB they are nolonger taking submissions to CDDB....they are only putting them on CDDB2...but they are uploading all of the CDDB1 to the newer CDDB2....but they are not going backwards


so if you submit something to CDDB2, CDDB1 will not see it...therefore Audio Catalyst will not see new cd's

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the best thing for ripping CDs is Winamp. It will rip them to wave but if you want the best encoding then use winamp to rip to wave or use musicmatch jukebox to encode this link will show you just how bad some programs are at ripping Mp3s.




the 3 letters bleeped after the es are S E X

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I use Audio Grabber with the Lame encoder. I has lots of featurs.

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I used AudioCatalyst 2.0, be sure to have ASPI driver correctly installed in win2k for best results.

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