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One-click shutdown -- HOW WITH WINDOWS 2000 PRO?

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I am not sure how to do this with windows 2000




However, I am familar how to do it with windows 98 :


One-click shutdown



If you have Clean Sweep Deluxe, Mike recommends that you disable it before proceeding.



On the desktop, right-click and go to New, then to Shortcut. (In other words, create a new shortcut.) Then on the following path name type:



C:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows



If the C: drive is not your local hard drive, then replace C with the correct letter of the hard drive. That's all.



Now whenever you want to shut down, just click on this shortcut and you're done. Also, if you want to make life better and faster, you can right-click the new shortcut you just made, go to Properties, and type in X (or whatever letter) in the Shortcut Key box.



One-click restart



On the desktop, right-click and select New, then Shortcut. (In other words, create a new shortcut.) Then on the following path name type in



C:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindow***ec



If the C: drive is not your local drive, replace C with the correct letter of the hard drive. That's all. For even better functions, you could also create a shortcut key under the Properties of the shortcut you just made. That's all folks!



NOTE: If the file does not work, try copying and pasting the path name. Remember to replace the C: drive with the local drive letter.



Now, for an encore, we'll do a couple of slight variations to Mike's theme. Gracias to PC Magazine's Neil J. Rubenking for this one.


Neil's fast restart that will close all programs and prompt you to log in again:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindow***



Neil's total reboot:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindow*** 2



Neil's total shutdown:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindow*** 5


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