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formating CD-RW's with DirectCD

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K, was wondering if anybody experienced this problem. I have formatted some blank cd-rw's on my laptop using Direct CD and it works fine and is readable on standard cd-rom drives. However, on another machine using the same program, I can format and read/write on the burner, but cannot access the cd on any other drives, not even on other cd burners except the one on that particular machine. When I place the cd in my other burner, it says the disc is 'bad media' and can't be accessed.


What I did then was use Nero to erase the cd and then re-format it again using my machine and it would work.


The only differences in machines is that one is using English W2k while the other one is using Chinese W2K, same applies for Direct CD, they are the same version with the exception of language. Oh and one is a HP external cdrw and the other is a Sony Internal cdrw (manufactured for Dell Inspiron 5000). The Sony is the one that is not formatting correctly.


Anybody have any ideas as to what I should check? I have placed the 'wnaspi32.dll' file in the /winnt/system32 directory, but that didn't solve the problem.


Oh and the Sony is the one having format problems, though it can still read/write the cdrw's formatted using the HP drive


[This message has been edited by three (edited 12 March 2001).]

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Did you test different media? What was the brand name of the discs and did you try the Scandisk tool found in DirectCD folder? Do you use DirectCD 3.01, 3.03 or 5.0?


If the Sony drive could write and read the media it formatted, the formatting cannot be defective but rather media or software.

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well that's the thing...my hp external could format the cd's and is readable thru normal cdrom's. so it's not the media. it's just that the formating via the sony makes it only readable thru that device and no other devices period.

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make sure you have the latest UDF reader installed you can get it at www.roxio.com I had a similar problem with some CDs i burned using DCD 5 and they wouldnt read under win xp until i updated my UDF layer to the latest version.

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Media is not involved being the same on both drives. Sony is one of best writer drives in any & all modes including DAO PW. Software must be responsible or machine configuration.


Software can be removed and reinstalled or upgraded but this has manifestly failed. You have to install DirectCD all by itself through its own setup.exe and not as part of another Adaptec, HP or Sony software package.


Machine configuration must differ on your computers. Enable or disable DMA for the Sony. Do you use some other Adaptec software like EZCD 5. Roxio admitted it should not work on Windows 2000.

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Two ideas:


A) Some other Packet writing software or foreign Aspi drivers conflict: a simple solution is available.


Right click on My computer, choose Manage, Device Manager, click View tab, Show hidden devices, expand Non-plug and play drivers and clean up the mess put in there by now unused Packet writing software and their brand name Aspi drivers.


B) Direct Media 7 may have damaged some registry entries necessary for DirectCD: more sophisticated.


Check if you find the values "PWD_2K" and "Cdralw2k" in DWord "UpperFilters" here:




If they are not there, first export your Registry, write this with Notetab:







Save as file DirectCD.reg and double click on this file to insert the correct filters in the Registry.

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If your problem has not been solved with the above posts, please read my reply to another question in the forum titled



It also might hold some relevance to you.

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