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ThC 129

OfficeXP RTM'd

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I was just wondering if anyone has come accross of a copy of office XP yet and what they thought of it. I have office 10 but havent installed it yet.

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I just got it today...it fukin kicks a$$. I find it operates much faster than the previous office 10 beta. Whoever released OfficeXP Final did a crappy job. They acced it (which needs winace 2.02) and then zipped the files. Very unprofessional.

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if you would like to send me a link to "those ace'd files you are talking about".



Keep in mind i have no idea what you are talking about....just for the record.



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yeah i agree the releasing group did do a poo poo job they tar'd them then zipped them then ACE'd them. Hello?? We still living in the modem days or is there a such thing as broadband and ISO distrobution...sigh kids today they never learn.

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well, "I AM" still living in the modem days.

i only hate how they're zipped and rared and aced and crap, can't they just use 1 form of archivial compression?!

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Being a member of a release group, it is standard for us to release our **** in one compression format. *.ace*, i don't know why we do this, but we just do. It seems to be a standard sort of thing

It might not have been a group as such that released OfficeXP RTM, but we are sure pissed off that we didn't get our hands on it first.

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I'm also in the modem days, yet.


I will not get broadband Internet access until the euro comes (that means, in one year). My cable ISP isn't available yet in my town, and won't be until the next year.

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XP has been installed to my machine since yesterday morning (don't ask me how it happened: it's just there). I haven't played with it much, but so far I'm impressed.


I'm still driving this old 333Mhz-clunker, and I noticed Word performance was snappier with Office XP than with Office 2K. I also like this version of Outlook enough to move to it from Outlook Express + Schedule. I also suspicion my wife and I'll be able to use its scheduling over our peer-to-peer network without having to run Exchange. I note XP installed some form of MAPI, but don't know anything about it yet.


But like I said, I haven't really done much with it yet. YMMV.





"Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999

"Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001

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i will have my copy in like an hour or so

i can't wait




My System

Dell Demension XPS T500

Dual Boot

Windows Whistler Pro 2446

Windows Millennium Final Retail

PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan)

512 Megs Ram

Guillemot Maxi Gammer Cougar (TNT2 M64 w/ 32 Megs of RAM)

Matrox Millennium PCI (w/ 4 Megs of RAM for second monitor)

3Com Etherlink XL 10/100 Ethernet Card

2 x Abit Hot Rod Pro ATA-100 RAID Controlers

2 x 12.6 Gig Maxtor Hard Disks RAID 0 (for system)

1 76.3 Gig Maxtor Hard Disk (for storage)

40X LG CD Rom Drive

100 Mb Iomega Internal Zip Drive

MS Explorer Mouse

MS Natural Keyboard Pro

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yeah i like the office xp win xp combo

what i think i like best about it is it seems like i just went out and bought $500 worth of new hardware it runs so damn fast. good by win2k and o2k.

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Ace, then Zip og Rar then Zip is very normal for things that are going to be downloaded from the net. I think it has two purposes. Two different types of packageing reduses the size maximum. And I think its easier for IE and other browsers to download zip files.


On ftp's its very uncommon. Usually only rar us used, and the files are much bigger (maybe 10MB each)


[This message has been edited by Galilee (edited 16 March 2001).]

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Son_Gohan:
Windows XP + Office XP =Windows 95 + Office 95 combo</font>

Interesting observation. Several different inferences can be drawn. I'm sure Microsoft would prefer it that way. Kinda like the combination of OS/2 + PS/2; you certainly wanted one to run the other.

"Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999
"Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Son_Gohan:
Windows XP + Office XP =Windows 95 + Office 95 combo</font>

except there is a huge difference in quality of software. MS is finally getting their **** together. not much more than a year ago i was a win98 office 97 user. Man its has come along way since then. I love all the new apps these days photoshop 6.0.1 is another one of my revamped favs. Anyway i will stop rambling now.

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