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Voice regonition program

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I need suggestions on a good/decent voice regonitoin program to use with win2k. What should I look in to? (Dragon Soft, IBM ...?)



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Dragon was always my favorite, it took some training and time to get used to it, but after a week or so i got it down perfect, haven't used it in about a year though.

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the training was the most painful part, sounding out words and sh1t, i hated it.

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well eddie when you get your copy of office xp you can use the easy training program that it offers which I found far less painless than the dragon traing program. You gotta love WAR3Z i love having apps months before they are released in stores.

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Breaking in to a Best Buy like legitimate thieves do.








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Well, I didn't say you could get ALL your pirating needs there. But you do get the spiffy boxes and manuals to make you appear legit.








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Well, tell me how to get ahold of PowerDVD 3.0 then--for free. Or tell me where I can get a to make the trial a full version.


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Brian i assure you if i really wanted this power dvd program i could have it by the end of the week. Where there is a will there is a way. You can get pretty much any software you for free on the internet if you are persistant patient and know the right people. And you can do this all with a 56 k modem. Just cause you don't buy the **** doesn't mean you don't pay for it tho cause you need some time to find it download it and then when you get it to figure out how to extract it and crack it and what not. Any way you want power dvd go find it, you can find if you look hard enough.

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