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Windows 2000, Windows Milennium, Windows "Whistler&quot

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What's the deal?

Why so many operating systems?

Which one will be the best for me?

What's Micro$oft trying to do here?

I know Win2k is based on NT, are all these others going to be also? Or are they still going to be based on DOS? I'm so confused.

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I was running Windows Millennium beta. It is another Windows 98 thingy, but it's more stable and better looking. Windows Whistler is an NT.

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Windows 200------->NT5.0

Windows Millenium->Windows 9x

Windows Whistler-->Home version of NT.

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Q: What Kernel will Windows "Whistler" use?

A: Base on NT Kernel just like Windows2000 is.


Q: What is Windows "Whistler"?

A: Windows Whistler is the codename for the first joint business/consumer version of Windows.


Q: What will be new in Windows "Whistler"?

A: Little is really known, but if it heads the way that Whistler was going to then it will be much more HTML based than any other operating system.


Q: Has testing of Windows "Whistler" begun?

A: Only internally


Q: When is Windows "Whistler" due to be finally released?

A: No date has been announced but it is expected sometime at the end of 2001.


Q: What about my Applications?

A: By the time Whistler come out 95%

of Applications should work just fine if they where designed for Windows2000 other then that you may need a patch.


Q: If I am a games player, should I go for Windows 2000 or wait for "Whistler"?

A: Windows "Whistler" simple designed for both the business & consumer thus is more adept at games playing.

I like to point out to you that a lot older games use mix 16 & 32bit code in some case even dos code as well "Like MechWarrior2", In way if was not designed to run under a NT Kernel it may or may not work.


Q: What about Game that work now in Windows200?

A: Defiantly will work in Whistler to.


Q: Will Dos base games work as will as well?

A: NO "Windows2000 & Whistler are a pure build 32bit OS".


Q: Will older 16bit games work?

A: Somee will & Some will not.

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My previous post shows that there were also other versions of Win2k upgrades. Neptune and Odyssey were to be the code names. They got scrapped. Now there will be only one OS for gamers and businesses. Millenium will come out this year. Whistler is scheduled next March. Then Win95/95a/95b/98/98se/Millenium will be defunct. No more DOS period. Joy. It's all right here:


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Hey, there was a time when people b*tched about lack of choice in operating systems. Now looky here, b*tching about too many operating systems to choose from. *Sigh* This comes into mind: 'You get what you wish for...' laugh

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Wow, how did this post pop back into the limelight? I posted this baby a year ago!!


I was really a dope back then... oh well, I've grown a lot, and learned three times as much. I can thank a lot of you guys for that... thanx!


[This message has been edited by Sandoval (edited 25 March 2001).]

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