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VNC on Windows 2000

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How do I set up VNC to run on Windows 2000

I want to access my Windows 2k Pro machine with my windows 2k Server Machine.


it will connect; then ask for my password; then it will say "connection closed"


do i need to set up trusts of some sort.

I got it to work on my 98 machine...but i can't connect to my Win2kPro....


Any Ideas?


Ancker Jade

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Some of the required ports are more then likely blocked.



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Are you running a software firewall on either machine? You should see that it isn't interfering. I have been using VNC between 2000 Server and 2000 Professional without any trouble.

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You could also have it setup with no password(by default it will keep the connection closed) or the service may be dead on the host machine there a ton of issues that can be causing this error message. Are you running it as a service?



I cant help it I have Attention Deficit...hey whats that over there?

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If you have a router in your network, like said earlier, that port (Usually 5900) is probably blocked. You can try changing the port it uses but typing: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2-?


Not sure if you are trying to access behind a personal firewall or business, but hope this helps.


Windows 2000 Pro / Windows 2000 Advanced Server

PIII 650

192 Megs RAM


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I have done this without any problems, first thing is to go to the Pro machine and reinstall VNC, then make sure it is running as a service (use task Manager to confirm), then set the password, and make sure "Disable remote keyboard and pointer" is not set on.


That should be it, then go to the Adv Svr machine and try to connect.

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